Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My first post back....Taylor plays soccer...Go Taylor!!

This fall one of my lovely children finally decided to participate in organized sports, much to my chagrin! Adding chaos on top of craziness to my already overloaded schedule. Before now, neither he, nor either of the girls, never really wanted to do much of anything. And secretly, I was quite happy with that. (But it's not all about me now is it.)
Aaaahhhh, but I digress.

He is enjoying it and that is what is most important. He's even getting to play on a team with one of his best friends from school. So a plus all around.

They have been having practice the last couple of weeks about 2 nights a week and then Saturday morning so not a bad schedule at all. Now, the games are like one or two a week, still a good schedule.

Last night was his first game and he was very excited. He did great almost scoring a goal and playing the part of goal sweeper, kicking the ball out of the goal quite a few times. He seems quite good so maybe he's found his sports calling. Either way, he's having fun and that's all matters. They did win 8-4 so he was very happy about that (and secretly so was I!)

Whew!! Has it REALLY been a year.....

since I updated this blog?? REALLY??

Well yes it has and boy what a year it has been. What happened was Facebook and Twitter. I have really been using these sites to "blog" instead of my blog. But, since there are those of you still without access to FB, I decided it was time to dust off the old blog and get back to it... so here we are!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A day of errands

Well Hello all....

We had a good Father's Day yesterday.  Took Brian out to lunch and made it back to church for the first time in 5 weeks because of vacations and illnesses.  We really enjoyed getting to see everyone again and getting back to some since of normalcy. Also, spent the afternoon playing around with Brian's new 'toy' an Ipod touch. It's exactly like an Iphone without the phone part.  He loves it and its pretty cool.

Today was a day of errands, grocery shopping, ironing clothes, balance budget and money, etc.  The kids have had to entertain themselves today and they have been pretty good considering.  

Bailey woke up today running a small fever. Surprise, surprise.  Someone around here lately ALWAYS seems to run a fever for something or other.  I guess I will have to take her to the Dr. Friday if this keeps up.  Hopefully it will resolve on it's own.  Who knows.  Just wait and see, thats all I can do.  She still has a pretty junky cough, so she too could be coming down with the pneumonia everyone else has had.  I hope not.  Just wait and see.

Oh and the phone is out.  It has been out since Friday when the power went out.  Something else to fall apart around here just like everything else.  No biggie.  I still have my cell.  They are SUPPOSED to come today and fix it so we will see.  When it rains it pours I guess.  You just got to keep on plugging away.

Kids are resting now so I will try to enjoy a little peace...ta ta

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fountain Park

Hot 98 and Fountain Park...enough said.  

Took the kids downtown this morning to play in the fountains.  They had a grand time, running jumping and splashing.  Two hours of this and they were worn out :)  Then we came home and had a yummy lunch, waffles, eggs, and bacon.  Breakfast for lunch or dinner is always a treat.

Now they are resting quietly while I type this. long will it last?? 

Update on Bailey and the latest child illness... She woke up this morning with no fever.  Go figure.  (She had ran a fever the past 2 mornings with no other symptoms other than a cough.  I thought she had Taylor's contagious pneumonia he just got over but I guess not, unless she spikes a fever tonight.  I hope we are done for awhile with sickness.  This is the FIFTH week of someone in our family being sick.) Other than that so far everyone else feels well.  I hope that lasts.  

Well..quiet time is over and the natives are restless.  All for now!

Welcome All

Welcome to our new blog!  A great place to keep up with all that we do for those of you not on Facebook. 

We are having a great summer so far despite several setbacks.  But we are plugging on through as best we can.  We are DETERMINED to have FUN before school starts back if it KILLS us!!!